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- Content Engine Content Marketing
- Jan 21
- 5 mins read
Content Marketing, the Power of Local Content and what to do about it
In an age of increased competition and ever growing user-base, there is a clear difference between who the competition is and who the prospective buyers are. The ability to understand a market’s buyer cycle and offers the opportunity to provide relevant content that is not necessarily what you have been “selling” for the past 25 years is one of the most lucrative seo challenges. There is also an increasing reliance on content marketing and the content providers who focus on a target market’s needs and wants are the major growth areas for seo. It is particularly important for the marketing and technical staff to “unlock” the link profiles of potential customers so that the seo team can focus on competing on the high value pieces. This is only possible if you understand the content history. There can be a web page on the site that has since been removed or an article and its popularity has gone down and no one blogs about it any more. It has almost nothing to do with the content. It is now forgotten. The beauty of great seo content is that it will cause the potential buyer to start to think about the needs of the prospect or customer. Our web pages will change, the seo team will modify the content and although we have not seen this, we might even be surprised at what content readers end up reading. This means you may be able to use great content to re-engage a dormant reader or convert someone that has left before. It gives you a chance to tell a story, ask some questions or solve a problem. The content might take on the form of a whitepaper or infographic, it might tell a story about why they should hire us or the case study and a result report. Some might even be a PDF that means you have an additional copy of the content for the customer as they are probably downloading it and would be willing to share it with someone else on file. This means you have to strive to be “smart,” “creative” and “aspirational”. You need to find that content that is best aligned with the needs and wants of your ideal buyer.You have to find that content that is best aligned with the needs and wants of your ideal buyer. people are incredibly visual, “page-flipping” (read more about how this can impact your seo performance) and if the content you have is not indicative of this then the reader will not pick it up. You have to find that content that is best aligned with the needs and wants of your ideal buyer. What are the top content marketing trends for 2014?
It’s time to concentrate on content to target.
People really are visual
Humans are visual, they’re much more visual than we have as a society. Our products and services are also visual, not only are they used to sell, they are used to establish a brand, how we should talk about it and how we should present ourselves. It is not surprising to see that people are so visual these days. While real life is not visual, all marketing and marketing communications should be visual in all aspects.
This infographic shows how people have evolved in terms of buying decisions based on visual cues, which is a key example of how marketers can really align what content is essential to their marketing strategy with what is actually happening. In the infographic, we see how people are visual with things like objects and brands and when that happens we can then align the content and the messaging to take advantage of that. For example, 40% of people will compare websites, while around 47% buy products based on content. It is really important for marketers to ensure that the content or the messaging aligns with that as well.
Improve your SEO
Content is the basis for everything people think about, say and do on a daily basis, as visitors get to know and like content to display in the organic results. And what matters most is how relevant it is for the searcher and when and what content users will see. No keywords, no content and nothing else.
That is when potential customers get beyond merely reading, they actually buy. When people see content they are already familiar with they are more likely to use it. It is incredibly important for SEOs to ensure that content is more relevant, fresh and online and not too frequent or outdated. The authors in this article are very honest about what the importance of this is for them in terms of search.
Write in your region
Enormous, high quality content is not just that which is relevant, but when produced in your region it gives you an advantage because locals will know it and that is likely to be a huge advantage when it comes to business and quality.
Most businesses are nowhere near regional talent when it comes to creating and writing content. content is so important for their websites, websites and products and they want to move that content. And when you are trying to move that content, the whole internet wants it to be good.
Get local.
Whether it is a local golf course for the golf lover or an organic nursery being used for some of the best in organic food products, the goal for these businesses is to get visitors from their local towns and cities in the UK and Ireland. It is really important for a lot of SEOs to ensure that the content is local to a person’s area or town.
Your brand is a great fit
Much as content is a major way to promote a local business, content surrounding the business itself is a really strong brand fit. For example, one of the biggest things a business can do with a business listing is to make sure that content is content. It is good and amazing work for webinars that live up to that standard of content. There is a lot of seo at work around making that content good.
Branding and communication are important to ensure that the content for your brand is good to the potential customer
Make sure that your content is about you. Make sure that the content you create is focused around the core brand and core customer. Be that brand that your visitors need to know about and to come on board.
Keep it simple
Improve on that. If people aren’t showing up for a particular event or a company, in the most extreme example, why are you doing that event in the first place?
Clearness is key. Every step of the way if the information or the content is not clear it will lose credibility and so as to ensure this, give everything a clear objective. Think beyond the event. Think beyond being in the right place to be at that moment. Say it in a way that the audience is aware. Simplicity is a beautiful thing.
There is no best content.
I truly believe that the best content will make people want to read it. The best content will grab the customer’s attention and make them want to share it with friends and on social.
Even if your content isn’t convincing people, people
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