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- Content Engine Content Marketing
- Jan 21
- 4 mins read
Infographic – What it means to be a Content Marketer
What is digital content marketing? Content marketing includes posting up original content on your website, social media platforms, and on other similar platforms. This content is unique to your company’s brand and helps people come to your site by giving them what they might be searching for – a qualified source of new information about your company. Content marketing, including blog posts, infographics, videos, podcasts, and other forms of digital content, are a great way to encourage visitors to come to your website and increase SEO (search engine optimization). Over the years, I’ve read the modern definition of content marketing on over 20 sites. By that I mean I’ve read it on everyone from Content Engine.com to Market Development. But with all of these sites, one very important thing stood out – content writers like yourself need to be top-notch.
Where online content marketing comes into play
As a content marketer, you write content for everyone. You’re writing for someone you’ve never met before, for an influencer, or for your existing clients. Having a diverse pool of content writers is paramount to your overall success. It’s why some great success stories can include high-profile authors and video bloggers, while others can have total experts. It’s also why our team is constantly evolving. Today, I have a great content writer, Eric Smith, helping out on written content strategy, and Nathan Tuft, Director of Communications, leading the Human Resources team in content communication.
Additionally, our design team, Blythe Schwartz, who is a true web design superstar. We have the talent, the tech, and the awesome members of our team. We also have outstanding clients who have a different skill set from us. Using this diverse pool of talent, we are able to bring the best of the best to each project. When it comes to the creation of perfect content , we create whole new content in and out of the office. The core of what makes our agency a key influencer for Digital Content Marketing is that each team member works independently.
We have the freedom to say, “Hey, we don’t need him to produce content. ” In other words, we understand that each of our writers and content managers have their individual strengths, quirks, and processes. Whether it’s writing for bloggers, brochures, webinars, or white papers, each part of a campaign can be different. Leading the way in content marketing. What’s made us standout
All of the content writers on the MarTech team have so much to offer. Some are seasoned pro, some are rookies, and I’ve found that every member of our team goes out of their way to make sure every piece of content is amazing.
They have our Company’s Investment Logo and logo to make sure their work is aesthetically pleasing and reflects the spirit of our company. What I find unique about the MarTech team is that we take a personal approach to working with our writers and content creators. Our team members all have very unique storytelling skills. They’re really passionate about the work they’re doing, and we help make sure every piece of content is customized to the personality and style of our audience. For example, a writer on our digital content team may write an article and say “Hey, I’m going to look into the topic of media and the internet as part of our research. ” While a designer will contribute an infographic of how the internet worked for the user and the person creating the article – getting our content team excited.
To me, this strategy pays off. One of the best pieces of content I’ve seen this year comes from our team lead, Shari Parent, and her Google design mind. She created an infographic that shows me a simple, photo-heavy infographic on a big screen TV with a well-known movie poster play within the image. The infographic is interesting because of the photo exhibit inside of it and the intro of the presentation and history inside of the image. But what really makes the infographic unique is the quote above the image: “I am not a journalist. I am only one of the many voice of an enduring storm.
A true summary of the SEO part of an SEO campaign
As a company, our overall SEO work is well-rounded. Our great storytellers help to create your site’s SEO strategy. Once your content team s and content creators have their content sorted and completed, we’ll help you spread it around to all of your sites and give your content the attention it deserves. We’re particularly excited about the traffic that content drives for our clients. Co-founder, Chad Rosen, is most excited about the role that web design has on SEO. “We believe, data shows, that the design of the pages, the SEO and so forth are the most important part of the SEO campaign and on the top SEO ranking subjects.
We’re not a new agency – we’ve been in business since 2005. We started the company because it all began with a presentation. We wanted to remind everyone that it is okay to brainstorm and that there is actually a reason for every piece of content in our large portfolio. So all the amazing web design we put into our awesome websites really “shines” and for our business we want that to shine because it is all part of our SEO efforts. The team is also evolving with the times. As people trust more and more in the digital natives who choose to work on their own websites, our team will keep evolving.
Keep an eye out for the integration of social media into the design as we go forward. This presentation could not come at a better time. SEO is in a change phase as a powerful new business algorithm is being developed. The internet is growing by the minute. It’s not the only way people interact online. And with companies like Google continuing to evolve, content marketing as an important part of a strategy for an effective digital strategy has never been more critical.
Join us as we share how to “be” an SEO success stories in the month of December.
Content Engine is a State-of-the-Art Content Automation Platform
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