Fortnite eSports News by Content Engine AI

When is the new week ending on the Fortnite servers? Update 9.15.4 and patch notes have been released for the latest changes in Fortnite Battle Royale. The update was released on Tuesday 12 August and read as: “Replace Big Name cosmetics on the Battle Pass with limited time Unicorns to give and receive the most badass out of time Ragnarok outfit in Fortnite. Loading screens! No matter where you are in the world, some of the most desirable skins, emotes, gliders, pickaxes, and other items are on the shop now!

“Changing the Varies to something more recognizable. Made Fortnite Buy it all now!” A lot has changed to the multiplayer game since the last update in week 9, and the patch notes have revealed a lot of what has happened. What did Epic Games change in Fortnite? One of the bigger changes was to Season 10, Episode 7 ending bonuses. Fortnite added a new item on its Save the World (SW) starter list. Season 10 Week 9 was aimed at finishing with as many items as possible on the list.

Fortnite patch notes: Patch notes have been released for Battle Royale patch 10.40.1

“So glad you asked! New item on the Save the World Starter List!” added Epic Games. The item is called the Reno Cloud Cloth and replaces Big Pink. The outfit can now be bought for 7,500 V-Bucks and is found on the save the world shop. UPDATE 9.15.4: “Add your Ice Pack and disable Arc Burn in the Battle Royale lobby to prepare for the new emotes and gliders on Vending Machines.” What changes were introduced in Fortnite patch 10.40.1? Despite the changes being solely focusing on the Battle Royale portion of the game, Epic Games did not miss out on the other Battle Royale challenges in Fortnite. It is possible to earn 4000 XP by completing the Loading Screen challenges in Battle Royale. Like previous weeks, seven shots will be required to get the loading screen done and the number of clips each player will need to complete the task is seven. They will need to grab all seven Battle Stars from the Battle Pass Unlock activities, get a treasure chest from Victory Royale and a pickaxe from Jetpack Save the World and Crater Build.

Fortnite patch notes: Epic Games released patch for patch 10.40.1

There were a number of other changes made to matchmaking

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