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GoG Esports representative Rowan Day thinks the multi-controller alternative console will help players concentrate and “see the game in a totally different light.”

Overwatch, currently in the throes of competitive North American League play, may well enter the realm of cross-platform competition (including fighting game enthusiasts, social media fanatics, and literally anyone with one of the many types of controllers available). As in many modern console or PC games, Overwatch players have the advantage of both couch play and world domination with the addition of their Switch consoles. And according to “one of the game’s biggest fans,” Overwatch’s producer, Overwatch’s gyro-aiming is an advantage.

Speaking with a reporter for GoG Esports, Rowan Day, Overwatch’s Senior Producer, or whatever the title is, stated in-depth why/how the Switch is having the advantages over traditional consoles and PCs:

“Our gyro-aim feature was created in-house at Blizzard, and even though its not meant to be a huge feature, and seems to be more of a novelty feature, we think the gyro-aim will help player concentration, and just maybe even play a little differently with the Switch vs. traditional consoles. I think we’re trying to bring the game into the next level and get people a little bit more excited for battle, instead of just game play as it is right now. Because this is a new playstyle, we’re trying to use it differently from traditional game play.”

From Day’s perspective, there are several points where adding gyro-aiming allows Overwatch players to see the game in a totally different light. But let’s be fair — Blizzard and Day seem very happy about this feature. From the sound of the interview, developers are counting on the Switch specifically as a powerful and fun tool. This is something that this and other executives spoke on in more detail at PAX East earlier this year. According to Day:

“Switch is a great alternative to something like [a] traditional controller or a [traditional] keyboard. Its a multi-controller alternative. And it’s a great way to really see the game in a totally different light. You can use your Switch with a gamepad if you want. “We had this idea in mind and development around adding the gyro-aim, even though I don’t necessarily see it as a huge feature. We thought we would try it out with play styles that we know our players like. And one of the things that goes into choice in every game is, ‘What do we have that feels right to us, what are we comfortable with, and do we have the tools in place that allow for us to do something we don’t normally do?’”

Looks like that gyro-aim could soon become an e-sport for anyone with an Infinity Blade 3.

Are you a fan of this feature on the Switch? Sound off in the comments section below!

About Madeline Ricchiuto Madeline Ricchiuto is a gamer, comics enthusiast, bad horror movie connoisseur, writer and generally sarcastic human. She also really likes cats and is now Head Games Writer at Bleeding Cool.

(Last Updated )

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