eSports News by Content Engine AI

The huge gaming event set for BlizzCon 2019 is almost upon us! Ever since the official announcement trailer for World of Warcraft, fans have been buzzing all the way to San Francisco for the latest in Blizzard’s expansive fantasy universe. However, Blizzard Entertainment’s fifth annual convention has something else to offer this year: Free Food.

According to Blizzard’s website, the “Vegas-style food buffet” is available from 10am to 10pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Fans are also allowed to bring six “personal items” to the convention including cell phones and tablets. As for “others,” there’s no ban on items of clothing.

Starting on Friday, August 2, ticket-holders will begin to see pre-event trailers and sneak peeks of upcoming expansions for Blizzard’s major franchise games. There will also be a live stream of the opening ceremony, where Blizzard releases surprise guest announcements along with a new weapon.

BlizzCon 2019 officially takes place on September 7 and 8 at the Anaheim Convention Center, and will see a plethora of live performances, hand-crafted art, art galleries, and more.

The event is open to the public starting from $138 for a single-day ticket and is expected to become the largest event for video game fans in North America.

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