eSports News by Content Engine AI

Happy Friday, because we’re all bombarded with exciting and inspiring information to spur on our productivity. From blockchain to AI and blockchain technologies, here are 10 things you must know about this technology giant:

1. Check out the What Is Blockchain? Calculator from Blockchain Trusted Ventures for an easy and fun way to learn the basics about cryptocurrency technology and blockchain applications.

2. Bitcoin accounts are top of use in the Syrian Post Office, where employees confirm customer transactions and manage payments, according to Business Insider.

3. Cloud delivery that promises financial opportunity is a reality, with more options for banks and merchants in developing markets, Al Jazeera reports.

4. Robots are job killing. But they’re good at what they do, and that keeps investors interested, Forbes reports.

5. Giving robots the ability to be creative makes them great employees for many tech companies, Fast Company reports.

6. AI is not only capable of amazing feats — it is already here! VentureBeat reports.

7. A Cambridge University study found that bank tellers are less effective than robots in service. However, a recent survey of 61 organizations worldwide found that employees expect benefits such as increased efficiency, more flexibility and increased flexibility.

8. For consumers, everything new is not always a good thing.According to The Verge, it may have been more than a coincidence that Apple’s latest software — iOS 12 — dropped yesterday, and that Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana have all received updates of their own in the past couple of weeks.

9. Robinhood is shutting down its trading platform on August 21, according to The Wall Street Journal.

10. Becoming a superhub is easier than you think. According to USA Today, connections for smart hubs are a breeze through US copper cables.

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