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Freelancing Search Marketing Consultant
For a while, she thought a career change was the only way for her to go after a series of jobs that didn’t work out as well as she had hoped. She had only half a year of experience in digital content marketing, so she needed some help figuring out what she wanted to be doing. “And [the technical side] is where you meet a lot of your potential clients,” she said. She needed to learn something relevant and to test out her work. She needed to sharpen her skills to perform the work she was seeing from other freelancers and users. “Nowadays it’s very hard to make a career change, so most of us are just trying to do our best and work hard to figure it out,” she said. “There’s no real definition of SEO in my mind,” she said.It’s “finding out what’s going to get you to position in the search results, and then marketing. She said the first step was to learn “what the deep skills and knowledge were. “There are a lot of different ways to learn [specific skills],” she said. But to still discover the skills you have, there’s a lot of listening and people thinking. With a bit of studying and a little luck, she said she felt like she had begun to develop her own system for converting ideas into consistent high-quality work. “It really can feel like you’re writing it, writing it, writing it, but not until you’re right in the middle of it that you feel the work,” she said. After coming off in relatively well, she learned that it was a good time to try a different route. Still, she said, she wanted to break into the sector and the SEO world was a good time to try it. She packed her bags and learned to code in order to get back into the search industry. After spending a lot of time applying and working to improve her skills, she earned enough to go freelance. Because of the fees you’ll need to put into a “free” freelancing consulting package (e.g. marketing, coordination), you can break into this world without paying any money upfront. That is, if you’ve been doing freelance consulting and have good results. At the end of the day, she said, she loves doing freelancing because she gets to go to work every day, spend time with her baby, work from home, have a lifestyle that she had considered having herself (until earlier), and be able to commute in one of her favorite suburbs. “I feel like that’s important when you’re in this industry.”
- Jan 14
- 4 mins read
Freelancing Personality: Made a BIG Career Change
But some things just work, and this has been true for a lot of careers, from different time periods. Often career changes are triggered by the arrival of a new job, and it’s great when people have so many changes of experience that their careers feel young and fresh. So I asked a freelance copywriter for her thoughts on how to make a career change from an outmoded to a modern field that’s new to them. Freelancers Shift From Writing to Digital Marketing/Sales. A freelance copywriter with about a decade’s worth of experience in writing, Olivia Smith tells us that this is a common shift, and the future is bright for us. It felt like a great career, but then the economy changed, and websites like HubSpot and self-publishing were a hot market for freelance copywriters who could help potential clients publish books. Why did you decide to change careers from writing to digital marketing/sales? With creative content increasingly showing up as one of the most important marketing ways to stand out online, now seems like the best time for creative copywriters to learn more and take a look at social media copywriting and website copywriting for business for brands. In the next 50 years I think digital marketing/sales will be a new career category. In order to stay productive I had to learn three new skills very quickly: HTML/CSS, Ruby on Rails, and a few how-to resources.There is a huge wealth of information and connections out there and it can be daunting to start working on something new. The technology field can be a very creative environment where each person who is doing the programming or web design will feel inspired by the others’ work. Let’s look at how to make a dramatic career shift, according to a freelancer who made $3 million in content marketing. Content marketers have to make sure that they know what is important to them. Most people who go into content marketing have some sort of interest in writing or creative projects, but it’s also highly beneficial to know what work they have enjoyed in the past. Since I’m in a field I like, the best way to find out what your expertise in a certain field is is to find out which words in the field that you have experience writing, or the terms that you know to be accurate. Content marketing is a great example of a field where we have different expectations about what the term means. In a creative field, we don’t have all the tools that we need to work with. Some people just feel like it takes 10 to 15 months to get into the industry
- Jan 14
- 6 mins read
Great Content Ideas for Ecommerce
Content marketing can be seen as the existence of many different types of content for the purpose of both attracting and acquiring visitors to a site. All types of content are produced by each type of marketing effort that you have to run – your content strategy should be a well-thought out and organized structure which you use to post content on various platforms to attract and convert visitors to your site. Posting content on a charity page or donation page is an excellent way to get a wider audience and gain much-needed income. It is useful to remember that content is an ongoing issue and a key learning is that you’ll need to carry out more reviews of your offers to attract new and existing visitors in order to reach the readers you’ve targeted. If you have sponsored content to provide additional readers to your blog, you need to also improve your writing skills and look to interview the people or people behind the content in order to give more of a fuller picture of the post and its origins. You might not have the time to write a blog post or create a great infographic but what if you could put your content online for public consumption? One example of a content that would be a great option for an ecommerce site is when the customer posts a product question on your blog or website. Using analytical tools like Statista, for example, you’ll have a great idea of the average cost of each aspect of the purchase so that you can all present the best product option with the lowest cost in mind.Posting Article Content A great example of these types of articles is a blog post that would be a good inclusion in a 2-4-week action plan. Submit a content format as part of a learning or self-development course or simply capture your clients’ organization’s insight and offers based on your own experiences (posting articles may help do this). Podcasting is often confused with content marketing because it involves writing and promoting content to a wider audience. Mostly, people visit blog content and want to learn something new about something they’ve researched online. For example, if you have written a marketing e-book (or blog posts or webinars) about how to create a targeted email list or how to keep lists healthy, what is the real value you are providing? If you have a top list of blog post stats, e-books would be of great benefit to readers or a very good e-book would be a perfect promotion tool when signing up for a new service.
- Jan 14
- 6 mins read
5 Critical Content Marketing Lessons Every Business Owner Needs To Understand
With the right content marketing strategy and implementation of SEO and social media strategies, your content can be a major driver of traffic for your website. 5 Critical Content Marketing Lessons Every Business Owner Needs To Understand Here’s our run-down of content marketing, the steps you can take to get started, and key things you should know about the tactics you can use. Despite its status as one of the more important business tactics out there, content marketing has a lot of growing up to do. Because people are learning on social media and by browsing, brands need to make sure they publish great content. They need to find the most relevant content on the Internet and deliver it to the right people. Of course, with people learning the art of posting, delivering content and sharing on social media, you’ll need to be fresh and original. Here are some content marketing lessons that need to be learned. Content marketing isn’t just publishing content that’s relevant to your brand’s audience. Measuring the effectiveness of your strategy is just as important as making the content people share with their networks so they can find your brand’s products or services more effectively. This will help you better understand your audience and ensure you provide content to meet their needs. Once you know the content type and the kind of posts your audience wants to see, you can focus on creating high-quality, high-engagement content, or even make smart use of viral content. Visual content works best across all other forms of content, including multimedia, video, and blogging, so producing high-quality, engaging images and other visuals will help you better understand your audience. They’re looking for content they can use, consume, and share with their social networks. It’s important to note that each social network has its own demands for content, so depending on your audience, you need to consider the kinds of content you should create. Once you understand your audience and what they are looking for, it’s time to think about who your readers are and what content they like to share. Depending on the type of content your audience posts, you can either write about topics that are popular among your audience or create content to include a general statement about things your audience will be talking about next. Select your audience and content and post it. 10 Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Website By Putting Additional Content On Your Blog and Online Video Content Marketing 101: Creating Posts For Your Audience If your posts are not relevant to your audience, your content is going to be ignored. How To Connect Your Content To Your Website And Email Marketing
- Jan 14
- 5 mins read
Need to improve your website? Start with content marketing
However, businesses have to develop ways to retain customers who come to their website. Content marketing is a very effective way of delivering this information to both customers and potential customers. In an article from Practical Ecommerce, it was noted that your company’s content needs to attract customers in a way that is creative and informative. The content you write online should also be written with the hopes of connecting with customers in a way that shows them that your company values them as much as they do. Should a business want to improve its online presence, one of the most effective things it can do is to start producing content that does exactly this. Content marketing will give your potential customers a good experience on your website. This will help to cement your business as a leading provider of content in your industry. This means that customers can easily read reviews on your website. Once customers read reviews, they are more likely to buy from your business. From buyer guides to profiles, customer reviews are a great way to continue improving your business. This is an important aspect of content marketing and will help you to keep up with the growing demand for information. For digital marketers, having a content strategy is a great way to display your products and services. In addition to offering online visitors information on your products and services, customers are also in a position to create personalized content for themselves. Creating a blog or website is one of the most important digital marketing steps businesses can take. If a business wants to start with content that is related to your industry, the ChooseEbook aims to help it create a perfect SEO-friendly copy. With content that communicates differentiating features, offering unique features, and engaging with customers will likely benefit your company and its marketing strategies. Adding content to your website allows you to provide the best experience for your visitors. What does content marketing mean for you? Have you started or run a website or blog? What are the benefits to your business from using content marketing? If you work in a small business, a starting new blog or website may be difficult for you. But even if you have a blog, how do you take content marketing to the next level? – Create a blog and website with focus on what your business is all about – Use content platforms to connect with your audience in new ways Sign up for our content marketing mailing list and discover the comprehensive list of hacks and tips that can help you to begin using content to attract more customers.
- Jan 14
- 4 mins read
Hollow in Attention: Top Tips for Marketing $100,000 or More an Year
No stranger to digital platforms, Forbes’ business and finance editor, JP Ross, tackled content marketing last week on several articles on the “Getting Started for Marketing $100,000 or More an Year” post, demonstrating how to attract and engage a targeted audience of potential clients. Ross began his article with a high school senior writing a short essay on the value of content marketing, titled “I Want to Tell You a Story of Content Marketing. C content marketing is really about telling stories about your brand or business. It’s about engaging with an audience on social media in a way that tells a story about who you are and what you’re about. That’s an advantage of being part of a community of people who create content. It’s a way to kick off a new content marketing campaign. I think the good news is that it’s well worth the time commitment on your time, but equally important is working with colleagues on how you handle the content and the format. I think the good news is that it’s well worth the time commitment on your time, but equally important is working with colleagues on how you handle the content and the format. I don’t write all the time, but I have consistently been serving as an editor during the course of a project. I thought I’d share my approach to going above and beyond for my boss, and my colleague that will likely be an active part of this post. In this article, I’ll be revealing how I have improved my writing skills in the last few months, and introducing some content marketing methods that are important to me. Here’s how you can use content marketing to really get people to come to your site and learn how to be better. Stumbles Upon is a community of people who make recommendations and then follow through. It’s just like Reddit, but with a more emphasis on educational content. Stumbles Upon is a way to share your stories and then follow through and discover the valuable people who are interested in sharing your story. When your story begins to catch fire, Stumble Upon is the best place to learn more about the kind of person that is sharing it. I stumbled upon my story once because of the amazing people that shared it. I started getting linked to my story by people I admire, and really like reading about. LinkedIn is a way to find potential employees and for people to learn about what companies are, and want to be, doing. As of this point, I’ve created a profile for myself and a few posts about why I’m willing to share my story.
- Jan 14
- 5 mins read
5 Insights on Why Content Marketing is Good For Small Business
Regardless of your industry or niche, a little content marketing can boost your business’s bottom line. Content marketing is an even better investment for small business, as many are willing to increase their spending on that investment, based on the return on investment they see. Here are five incredible reasons why you need to get into the world of content marketing, and how to get started. Content marketing is crucial to connecting with your existing customers. To learn more about this, create a separate content post to share with all of your desired customers. According to HubSpot, a survey of its content marketing customer base revealed that 81% of their content leads opened up a new email inquiry, provided they read it and 74% indicated that it prompted them to take action. Imagine you have the opportunity to start writing compelling content on a subject which you also have a keen interest in. However, through this type of content, readers can learn more about your brand, product, or service. By sharing a beautiful read that truly educates, your content will attract visitors to your website and keep them on there to eventually complete the purchase. Content marketing has the power to attract the right type of people to your site and lead to your sales conversion.Participate in industry blogs According to Deloitte, small businesses need to open up their own content marketing to have success. Our economy is all too focused on marketing the products or services of large companies, but the data shows small businesses simply do not have the resources to provide the large volume of content needed to reach target audiences. As a small business, you simply don’t have the resources to start all over again. Simply by creating a good topic, and submitting it to an industry blog, you will have all the information you need to start a successful content marketing campaign. Best practices for content marketing are available for small businesses. More importantly, keep content marketing fresh and engaging for your visitors. Create content and edit it Content editing is also a valuable way to get your business message across. And when you are editing the content, you will have the chance to put those ideas into practice. Keep in mind that while content editing is helpful in bringing in leads, it can be time consuming. To take advantage of the deadline you set for your content, it’s wise to create it in a format that can be easily edited later. Content marketing should make readers’ experience with your brand positive. You want readers of your content to become part of your business. Start your content marketing campaign by using the SEO tactic of link writing. It’s time for a content marketing overhaul.
- Jan 14
- 4 mins read
Content Marketing and PR – That Is How You Get Traffic To Your Website
It’s exactly what it sounds like, but with a little bit of creative thinking you can do a lot better than simply writing posts that are linked back to your website. We took a look at a few ways you can market yourself with content marketing and learned just how much more we can get from helping others publish great content and have traffic to our websites. But it is important to make time to create a content strategy to reach and maintain engagement with your audience. Content marketing is a great way to create consistency, efficiency, and creativity in your organization. Setting your blog, social media, and online magazines and digests to do well at getting targeted traffic can create a ripple effect into the rest of your business, making an impact that goes far beyond what you posted. Get creative with your content and find what your target audience responds to and want. If you are a new business, and producing a few different types of content, it can be difficult to find that ideal fit for your audience, and that can mean work that doesn’t make sense and can just get lost in the shuffle. Marketing with content is important because there is no limit to the amount of content you can produce, and that is something new businesses should focus on. Have a plan to post new content, but make the work to do it enjoyable for you. Even if you have built a website to provide visitors with the easiest ways to find you on Google, the growing volume of content on the internet makes it all the more important to have an on-the-go content strategy.Always remember to have content be published with your non-profit organization, nonprofit charity, or newspaper on the brain. Content should be localized and be posted in the places your target audience is most likely to find it. For information on how to put in place your content strategy, get our free guide, “Content Marketing: Create, Build, & Update High-Impact Content When You Have The Time”. Remember that content marketing is all about building your brand through content that speaks to the needs of your audience. It’s very important to balance finding the right people to link to your content to create it to what your audience wants to see. Because your organization doesn’t run a social media page with a recent tweet, is this content that’s going to reach your followers? Don’t let yourself be inhibited by current trends and reach the social media audience you want. If you are a nonprofit organization that focuses on water, posting on social media will be more appropriate. Share content with the right social media channels.
- Jan 14
- 5 mins read
How to Design a Killer Content Strategy
According to online market research company TNS, 82% of consumers think the quality of your content is of high quality, with 73% listing it as a key differentiator between you and the competition. Content marketing is an essential element to business success. But keeping your customers engaged and on top of your content marketing efforts can be a problem for your business if you do not have a viable strategy in place. Content marketing drives increased engagement, drives sales, and drives more repeat customers. SEO helps you establish a strong link profile in order to promote your content to higher rankings. Quality content not only satisfies the needs of your ideal audience, but it also helps your site rank for keywords that consumers are looking for. In addition to a top-notch ranking on SERPs, content marketing helps you build an even bigger email list that creates long-term, active customer relationships. Beyond writing compelling, relevant, and informative content, brands need to be aware of how the content is consumed. For businesses, it’s important to know how consumers interact with content. Content can also be a great way to recruit new customers. The most important thing for your business is a strategic plan that allows you to effectively communicate your brand message to your ideal customers. You can create quality content to promote your business to people across the country. If you take the time to come up with good, quality ideas and plan well ahead, you can write high-quality content in a matter of minutes, with no time wasted. The best way to ensure that your content is appreciated is to be involved in the people you write for. In your development process, come up with a strategy to keep your content relevant to your consumers. As a business, your content is a part of your overall marketing strategy. There are things that you can control to ensure that your content will stand out in the competition for audience attention and capture the attention of your customers. Write your content to attract and delight your audience Customers want to feel as if they are getting the information they need from a brand, which is important to read and learn. Write your content for them to recognize your work. Write your content for people to read It’s about being more concerned with the quality of the content you present to your prospects. Content marketing is a two-way communication, and if you think about it as such, your work will better resonate with your readers. Content is the initial communication between you and your customers. Remember that more than half of all business content marketing is consumed online, so it’s critical to spend time investing in consistent and rich online presence.
- Jan 14
- 5 mins read
How Long Is Your Content Marketing Strategy?
Google and other search engines are constantly switching over to different topics, and in order to get their attention, companies are producing fantastic content on a regular basis. Having your online PR strategy in place and looking at content marketing as an investment will be a sure bet for your business as you will get a boost in earned and authority press, which is something that is recognized by others as a real business asset. There are many ways to get started with content marketing and companies around the world are adopting these strategies just like everyone else. As a result, so many companies who have not before adopted this type of marketing are also looking into content marketing and are seeing the benefits to both individuals and businesses alike. This type of content is suitable for social media and other platforms such as businesses. Blogging and LinkedIn content marketing are also two other great options for increasing brand awareness. Getting involved in creating social media and video content is a great way to get on the radar of your audience. The content is fantastic for your company’s brand, and while you may not want to commit to hiring a full-time writer just yet, hiring someone just to write your blogs and infographics will be a great investment if you create highly engaging, useful and relevant content. Another great way to create content is to produce short, one-to-two minute video pieces on a topic of interest. The more views you have for a piece, the more likely it is for your company to garner some type of paid media exposure and that is what you want as a business to achieve with great content.As a business, you want to be able to showcase your brand by giving others the help they need to help them achieve their goals. More important is making sure that you are limiting the time you invest in creating content. Many small to medium businesses have embraced content marketing in recent years, and they are finding great results and brand awareness. Content marketing is more than a buzzword; it is a viable business strategy that is directly geared towards the success of your company. The last thing you want to get is lost in the shuffle of social media, content marketing is the way to do it. Content marketing is an important component of any business, it is time that you see how well it can work for your company. Working with a company to create the content, and knowing how to schedule time to do so is key to the success of your business.
- Jan 13
- 5 mins read
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