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Posts Tagged: likely
How Data Scientists Will Run the New Year
And with the rising number of people and businesses using social media platforms, gaining insights will require expertise in data science. A successful data scientist or data science engineer will be one who is well-versed with big data, analysis, and data visualization — and uses all that knowledge to generate data to inform the right decisions. To truly innovate the customer experience and to inform consumers that you’re worth your service, data scientists must also be able to work with human beings and build personal connections. A data scientist will come to terms with the idea that people are unlikely to connect on a one-to-one level and will work with key actors in the company and at various points in time. Startups will be at the forefront of exploring what new ways data science is changing, and how data scientists will have to evolve with technology as it evolves to address people’s needs. AI can validate ideas across a variety of social platforms, suggest how to reach out to the right people in the same way as a personal assistant.What platforms, for how long? Organizations that will have to be more collaborative will need better platforms like Event Hubs and Quora to help connect data with human content. The new year is a great time to think about ways to optimize your marketing spend. With new technologies able to transfer data from one platform to another and artificial intelligence making it possible to build personalized results, your marketing spend will grow more productively as you learn from what you’ve learned and continue to learn. Marketers will integrate the data science capabilities needed for more accurate and actionable marketing with tools that help them more effectively and deeply engage customers. They’ll leverage the vast variety of data platforms that a company has today, from TV analytics to Twitter monitoring to identify which channels are most relevant to their customers. They’ll measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns by looking at the data and spotting trends and opportunities. And they’ll integrate data across all platforms, from email to CRM to messaging systems to build and manage direct customer relationships. They’ll combine data sets in different ways to inform them and take action for improved customer value. Customer 360 will cut across the 4 walls of the marketing and sales teams to leverage insights from the analytics and data science community to simplify the customer journey and increase profitable customer lifetime value. Audience Insights will spot valuable consumers who have a consistent relationship with you through your data that you can use to more accurately target them with personalized messaging. Data scientists will be able to combine huge data sets and analyze and leverage trends to build ever more personal and compelling marketing experiences.
- Jan 08
- 4 mins read
Content Marketing Audit – Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience Episode
We’re excited to bring you a guide to managing and managing assets of your content marketing in the Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience series. We’ll be sharing from 3 steps to conduct your own Content Marketing Audit in this episode of the Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience. Product/Brand New Content / Social Media Post Social media is an incredibly important aspect of your content marketing strategy. Editing the copy of a screenshot post can help you learn better about your audience. What if you have content that is written in some style for the web but is edited for social media? If you own an organization, we can discuss SEO and content marketing in an authoritative way. But if you do not own a company, we can discuss how you can use content marketing to engage and serve your audience. What steps are you going to take for a content marketing audit?We’re excited to share more from Paul Kedrosky about using content marketing to improve engagement and drive traffic. Here’s a link to the previous episode of Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience. We are working to make the Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience podcast as easy to use as possible. If you do not have something to say for yourself, you can subscribe to the Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience podcast here. If you do not have something to say for yourself, you can subscribe to the Paul Kedrosky Build Your Audience podcast here. Rather, it’s the ability to collaborate with other people around the same subject matter or within your market who are producing really great content. Brian Solis: Yeah, so I got a note at the bottom of the world about this, and I looked at this and realized that back in 2014, SEO services’ hot topic actually was content marketing. And so one of the stats they found out when they started focusing on content marketing, and I bet, most people still say it’s as something like, content marketing, it’s just blog posts, it’s just magazines, and they’re looking for the same things. I’m working with some of these outside forces like Wikipedia and some blogs and having conversations with people like George Littlejohn, who is, like, one of my favorite guys in marketing, and, like, maybe you already know him. He’s a friend of mine and we’ve had two awesome conversations and one of the topics that comes up in these conversations is content marketing, and what are some of the difficulties in using content to help your SEO. Brian Solis: I have a lot of frustrations with content marketing. I started writing for social media because it seemed to make more sense.
- Jan 07
- 5 mins read
How to use artificial intelligence to make your business better
However, it can be difficult to stay on top of all the different types of AI products and services available to help companies and their brands stand out from the crowd. From posing questions to Alexa or competing with employees, businesses and brands are competing in a world where companies are quickly moving towards the ability to work with virtual humans, and AI software can be a powerful tool to help build out your product or service offering and drive more sales. Using those questions to train, or test, the artificial intelligence algorithms used in Alexa and other platforms like AirBnB, Google, and Facebook, the sites can better explain the AI for businesses and bring more companies into the fold. If you’re not, you should be working on either building a robust application or considering an AI partner. This advice will help you make the best use of your AI platform and make it more effective. But you don’t need to build your own application and source proprietary data to get the most out of AI, the good news is that you don’t have to. Start taking advantage of all your API’s and infrastructures today so you’ll have the best tool possible when you look to replace your internal systems. You’ll need to keep up with all the trends in AI applications and add anything you don’t need that you can use from your company’s available infrastructure. When you decide to transition to an enterprise or developer powered system, you’ll need to develop a list of partners who can incorporate your business’ AI application. There are many different services that offer this potential solution, and you have to make sure you get the best on the market. You can start at Google through the open source platform Kubernetes and then either build your own entirely or use a total API’s availability package. So for your core business, it’s best to start with an existing solution that your company can code on. Before you decide on partners, it’s a good idea to read this guide and read the guidelines Google provides to determine the best choice for your needs. This is when you’ll want to start with something that works with your current systems. For example, if you work with other developers on internal applications (e.g. ride a car using a platform like Lyft to share the data from your API management), they can coordinate and split your work and be really efficient when it comes to analytics and driving back each other’s data. Cupcake is one example of a collaboration platform that I run with a team of developers.
- Jan 06
- 4 mins read
4 Tips for Successful Content Ideas
Armed with an idea, posting a piece of content is a challenging task for some people. In this article, I want to share four tips for creating engaging content that can also snag awards. I found some articles that work great to showcase ideas you can apply here at Eurekster. Or, create new content ideas And because group discussions are usually built on the understanding that you’re all trying to solve the same thing, the vibe is naturally positive. 3. Create a content idea brainstorming session “Write a viral article that will turn into a thing and entertain the audience at the same time” is a good start. Every piece of content should be optimised for link-building. Let them discover a new way to create content and share their learning with the whole community. If people are seeing their link as a reward or a way to make money, they’ll take the right action. If they don’t find a way to stand out, they’ll barely click or read the link in the first place. Look for innovative ways to highlight what makes this article really stand out from other content. Even if people won’t contribute themselves to what’s going on, they can still draw traffic by sharing your idea. Share your content ideas. This is great for sharing ideas about how content is created, how better content can be developed, and how people should create even better material. When other people’s work is creating new knowledge, they can help push that content forward. This doesn’t mean they’ll link themselves to your content, but make it obvious that the work that others are doing is giving them something they can use and put their own spin on. “This is awesome, but does anyone have this interesting idea for something I could turn into a blog post?” Don’t keep too much information about your content hidden from others, but make sure it’s still valuable and it can be a way to push that information forward. The more time and effort people put into creating great stuff, the more eyes it will catch. For this to work, someone needs to have been with you before to create your idea. When writing your story, don’t worry too much about formulating a precise plan to present your content. Focus instead on capturing the feelings that people are going to get from your piece of content. Not everyone reads the same way as you do, and not everyone knows exactly what they need to do to succeed in their work. The content you’ve created is a story. As your audience works, builds and moves on with their own lives, so do you.
- Dec 31
- 5 mins read
Trends in Marketing; SEO Plus Content Marketing – Pardot
Smart marketing practice means that it’s working as a team; one member of that team will have access to a lot of data, so they’ll know where their resources are most productive. Today, it’s more important than ever to have a SEO team that’s also involved in content creation and marketing, because without both, “You are wasting a lot of time and money,” he adds. An SEO and content marketing team will not only reap the benefits of their work but also make a stronger overall impression on the search results pages, which will lead to more traffic and more conversions and ultimately lead to them making a lot more money. “If you don’t know how to synergise your SEO and content marketing efforts, the end result is that you will be competing with three or more SEO solutions,” says Prof. By creating content that helps backlinks, wordpress, blog posts, and other content features increase the credibility of your online presence, you will have a stronger chance of getting your business through the search rankings. So, the SEO team at your company should be specifically focused on linking your content to relevant online information and making it easier for these potential customers to get there and make purchases. Keyword-rich content that ranks on Google will help you reach more users. Although they can be used to rank your content, the ultimate goal of a good SEO strategy is to make your content relevant and helpful to users. This is because SEO and content marketing work together in the same way and it can be a mistake to try to separate them when your work is in a close relationship with the search results pages. It’s important to make use of natural and natural search trends when creating your content and act like you’re trying to position your content between the two. Another way to get more attention for your content and SEO is to make use of the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Taking advantage of this trend is the way to help your business stand out and gain more credibility. Using the right keywords for content is an incredibly important part of getting your content seen in the results pages. Too many businesses consider themselves part of their content marketing programs and not SEO, which just makes things difficult and sometimes even downright impossible. These businesses focus on creating quality content and try to make sure their posts get organically featured because they know that any content can’t stand up to a platform like Facebook and Twitter. Any SEO strategy needs to factor in links.
- Dec 27
- 5 mins read
How to effectively create content for your business
Every content marketing program is designed to serve a specific end goal or end user. The end user is the person you’re trying to reach with your content marketing messages and should be focused on how your content can benefit their behavior or the business’ overall goals. The process and goals of content marketing help you target your specific end user and help you strengthen your business as a whole. – Lead Generation: Engaging your target audience through content and with videos can provide you with the information or content you need to build your pipeline. Content helps you reach a larger audience. When it comes to content marketing, focus on creating assets that your audience will value. You should have a content marketing plan that outlines your goals and measures how you’re making progress towards each goal. A content marketing plan helps you to gather data about your end user and builds your content strategy that produces results. Create content that you believe in and have measurable metrics that your end user will find useful. Your strategy should include content to reach a wide audience. Content that is branded for your business or industry should reach out to your existing audience. To get the best results from your strategies, you should develop content marketing tools and processes and connect with your team to get the company back on the path to success. Collecting tips on how to create great content is the perfect place to start. Use Google Sheets, Google Apps, and LinkedIn to keep up with specific content marketing topics and trends. Use Google Sheets, Google Apps, and LinkedIn to keep up with specific content marketing topics and trends. Google Ads: develop content your target audience is searching for. Develop content marketing tools can provide your team with the best tools to connect with prospective customers. If you do some of your marketing in-house, you can start with top producing pieces, then move to producing content for external audiences. Build Out Your Content Plan Building out your content plan entails collecting the data you need on your company, your target audience, and your products and services. Once you’ve put the content strategies in place, start to build out your content marketing tools. Once you’ve put the content strategies in place, start to build out your content marketing tools. For more information on content marketing and content tools for your business, follow us on Google+. You can check out our content marketing strategy in action by following our Content Marketing tutorial to learn the tips in our Business Blog Posts that are consistently ranked high in search for a given keyword and are appropriate for your business. We’ll go through the how to content marketing for business.
- Dec 26
- 4 mins read
5 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Better Than SEO
To put it simply, a 1-star review on Google can and will lead to your business losing out on valuable search market share, and if your reputation is one that you can’t control in any way, then the once steady stream of clients will stop using you. To build a meaningful reputation and appeal to high quality, SEO wise your content needs to be highly compliant and give visibility to the best search results available. A clear understanding of customers needs will help you think through the traffic needs for the most relevant content. Many companies rely on SEO to promote their content without really investigating the relevant factors for generating better results. At SitemapMojo, we are constantly searching the web and looking for the best websites that are keyword-optimized to highlight their content in a more relevant and effective way. There are a number of factors that affect how your website shows up in search results and how your organic traffic looks. If you want to guarantee how top in SEO it’s important that you don’t lose potential customers when there are more attractive solutions on the market. It’s important to find content companies that have their own clients, they know what they’re doing, and they understand the types of websites they’re creating for each format that users have. It’s crucial that you find company that’s on the beat, who’s been doing what they do for a long time, and know that they do what they do with passion and dedication.They also want to keep you informed. Content companies need to be accessible to you, and that means having good email addresses. If your client is looking for a professional search engine optimization, then this service is best for them. That’s just some advice from me about why you should select a content marketing company that you know really cares about your business. One person may think they know how to drive a car, but it’s only a test. And I think about content strategy with looking at the top and the right articles. It takes time to master many aspects of SEO and content marketing. One more thing you need to think about: Google generates a lot of content for the search engines. But just because Google looks at other people’s content, doesn’t mean it’s bad. You’re not going to be the only person that is looking at content for SEO and content marketing. With this, I think you should be focusing on how well you can use your time to build good content. The simplest thing that we can do in that case is to identify what are the best content marketing strategies.
- Dec 24
- 6 mins read
Your Content Marketing Strategy Should Start at the Core
A well-executed content marketing strategy seems to recognize that building and maintaining an audience and generating sales are important objectives, but sometimes content can be forgotten about. Creating your best content strategy in addition to giving your visitors the best experience on the web should help you stand out. Without an audience, your content and your strategies on how to create more of it becomes highly subjective. Also, you should think about the value of each piece of content in relation to your community and the general audience. Knowing how your audience feels about content is also imperative to the success of your content marketing campaign. Create (on Purpose) Content for Your Target Audience You need to make sure your content is dedicated to your target audience. Also, be sure your content fits your site and/or content management system, and you’ve got to find out what specific challenges users are having, and what you can do to help them out. The tone that you use to deliver content is the subject matter that your marketing goal is affecting. You want to use an easy-to-understand tone that addresses the issue on your target audience’s minds in a completely modern and relevant way. Likeness tone is a more subtle approach and you need to make sure the content is relevant to the topic you’re doing content for. More of an interesting tone makes you more approachable, and your audience is more likely to engage and keep reading. You’re trying to build credibility by creating a valuable data point that will help your target audience. Utilizing visual as a tool is a great way to make content for use with images easier and more accessible. You want to consider creating content in various parts, for each of these modes. Your data use has to be driven by that process in order to communicate an image you want your audience to take when they use your content. If you’re doing an influencer content campaign, you can create content that’s heavily focused on a main event such as the Oscars this week. For brand building, if you’re using data, you want to provide insights about the most popular product or phrase. You want to make sure your content is a group effort, with your writing, editing, video, design, and/or visual elements, all done well together in the environment that your content is creating. All of this is done without much thought about the content that we’re creating. The content creation process at the brand (whether paid or owned) or marketing department should always be linked directly back to the tone in a tone you want to use for the content.
- Dec 24
- 5 mins read
How brands can stay relevant in 2018
At AI-CMWorld 2018, we welcomed Joe Alleva (SVP, Director of Product and Strategy, Oracle Digital Marketing Cloud), Mike Dean (Executive Vice President of Ads Product, AppNexus), Marti Scoular (CMO, Zenith IP), Sami Lunma (Principal at Bain PR), Niall Conroy (Founder and CEO, Commva), Sarah Trellick (Chief Marketing Officer, B2B content marketing platform, Ignite) and Tony Wisniewski (VP of Sales, Verizon Business), among many others, to speak on the future of content marketing. The result was a lively, broad and clear roundtable session that touched on everything from the importance of being social to the better use of data and algorithms. It concluded with a couple of key tips and outlooks that speak to the best of what content marketing can achieve and what challenges remain. One of the reasons content marketing is gaining so much interest from brands is that the results are increasingly becoming apparent. Data remains king when it comes to content marketing, as it should be. The general media model is under pressure, and while publishers have started to invest in data, what does that mean for content creators? The role of data is most obvious in data-driven advertising, where marketers can target and deliver specific messaging to a specific consumer. But just because a data-driven model works doesn’t mean it’s always the best for creative content.For one thing, data is better when it’s targeted and accessible. But numbers are the key to the future of content marketing. Users expect brands to use content to tell stories and in return they will move from the fold to other channels. The result is more highly visual social posts and content, driven by user data, and it’s all about stats – just not too much. It is the data which always speaks, so when you are delivering your content it’s likely that you will have goals and a strategy for what your readers can expect from it. You’ll want your ads to look engaging and engaging so they keep your audience on your site for longer, and people leave other social channels for the digital experience. You’ll want to tell your story and your brand to your audience by connecting to their emotions and stories. In some cases, with longer tail content you want to focus on stories which are related to your business but allow your audience to do something tangible, like buying. They want to be part of a community around your brand, and engage with your messages on social channels. With brands that have deep pockets, they are going to spend heavily on content marketing – the challenge is that they can expect to get their ROI back. Consumers don’t like ads – and by ad I mean commercial content.
- Dec 24
- 5 mins read
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